Saturday, March 2, 2013

Our Batch

I know what you're thinking, that is one cheesy header. Well, I'm cheesy, so sue me. But in reality, that pretty much sums up our family. Mr. Fields and I are the perfect balance for each other, we help keep each other sane. Our two little "chocolate chips" do bring us a lot of joy. Our oldest is just like me, and our youngest is just like his dad, however they got most of Mr. Fields' genes. We are the perfect batch for us. 

Now the reason behind the name "Mr. Fields" is mostly because my husband works for Mrs. Fields. He runs their national accounts and sells cookies for a living, our oldest enjoys telling people that. My husband is also the baker in the family. I hate cooking, but endure it. I have expanded past the only 7 main meals I used to make when we were first married. I know my way around recipes much better now, but baking is not one of my strengths. Luckily I have Mr. Fields to make the cookies for us!

I'm not totally sure what I hope to accomplish with this blog yet, but for now it will just be my way of speaking to the world I guess, or the 2 of you that end up reading it. I am no amazing writer or storyteller, but I'm a mom. I'm a mom who likes to share things about my family experiences. 

keep moving, keep living, keep rejoicing!

1 comment:

  1. I don't know if your header can be called cheesy considering this is a cookie themed blog. How about saccharine? ;-)
